Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce Comments on Enactment of “American Rescue Plan”

LOS ANGELES, CA – MARCH 11, 2021 – The House of Representatives recently passed its $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, the American Rescue Plan, and today President Joe Biden signed it into law. The passage and enactment of this bill represents a major turning point for our nation as we navigate the road to recovery following the health and economic crises caused by COVID-19.

“Families and businesses will breathe a little easier with the enactment of the American Rescue Plan,” said Maria S. Salinas, President & CEO of the L.A. Area Chamber. “With desperately needed aid going to our communities for education, infrastructure, and vaccine distribution, the light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel is firmly within reach.” 

The COVID-19 relief bill additionally provides for billions in loan assistance for small businesses, including $28.6 billion in grant relief specifically for restaurants. “After witnessing so many small businesses struggling to survive in the last year, the Chamber is committed to helping our region recover and emerge stronger than ever. While there is more to be done to ensure the resiliency of our small business community, this bill is a monumental step forward in supporting the economic recovery our communities need.” 

About Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce
The Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce represents the interests of businesses in the Los Angeles region. The Chamber’s mission is to design, advance opportunities and solutions for a thriving regional economy that is inclusive and globally competitive. Founded in 1888, the Chamber is the oldest and largest business association in the region. Its member companies work together to promote a prosperous economy and quality of life in the Los Angeles region. For more information, visit www.lachamber.com